Sunday, July 6, 2008

I had Venus

I'm on the couch getting ready to watch the Men's Championship at Wimbledon. The fact that there is a rain delay at an outdoor sporting event --in London-- should come as no surprise to tennis fans and neither was the performance of now 5-time Wimbledon champ Venus Williams.

I have the utmost respect for Serena's power game and her sexy bod (don't judge me) but being that Venus had lost five of their previous six championship meetings, I thought it was big sister's time to shine. In the earlier matches it appeared that Venus was trying to unforced-error herself to death, and deathed she did!

Venus' uncharacteristically poor performance led sports journalists to speculate (as if they needed additional encouragement) that Venus, once on center court, simply could not allow herself to dash the hopes of her sibling and best friend. That is a piece of pop-birth order psychology that I am not going anywhere near but I will endorse the idea that there was some sort of mental block preventing both sisters from playing there best against one another. Tennis fans and commentators were unified in their dismay at the sloppy and distinctly uncompetitive performances; no wonder their father when asked why he was leaving England the day before the final match said he "couldn't bear to watch". Well, I did watch the match and someone should tell that guy he missed a classic. I'll spare you the play-by-play but suffice it to say that in world of Williams sister tennis... The Queen is dead. Long live the Queen.


FullerII said...

Apologies to both of my adoring fans for the delay.

Pamela Fuller said...


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afrofuturism reader, american, black, cinaphile, floridian, gadget lover, government employee, law school dropout, Mid 20's, newlywed, obamaniac, podcast subscriber, progressive, public media supporter, uncle extraordinaire, urban alternative listener, zune pass owner.